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About: The Meth Head Society

The Meth Head Society was born in Modesto, CA. in December 2015, at The Bungalows, where many tweakers used to reside near there drug dealers homes. The idea of the meth head was born by Meth Head (Ariel Munoz), who thought of a more civilized kind of an environment for the tweaker. Instead of the once normally scandaluous tweaker world most tweakers live in and may still live in today. Inviting tweakers to her home not to post up, but to show fellow tweakers that there was still hope for real friends, respect, and dignity. Who could think of one thing a real homeless tweaker would want? Except for to be treated as a human being not just as another tweaker who smoked another tweaker out. 

With the new aura established in The Bungalows, The Meth Head Society has a dream of helping others who use methamphetamine to realize whether they have a problem with the drug or whether society has brain washed them. Now, you would think how could society have brain washed a bunch of drug addicts? Exactly, society would first think to label us drug addicts. Then, they would pressure us into believing that we had a problem with using the drug, and finally they would force us to stop in any way or means even if it seems like concern. Though, it is not concern. It is in fact pressure to be one with society and to look down upon a labeled part of society, so that way we always have someone to look down upon. 


               "We as a society have freedom of speech, as addicts we choose to do drugs it is our right to do so. There are so many that drink and drive and kill people. In no way do I promote drugs, but for those who are on it let them be." - Tommy Jones


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