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The Meth Head Society's Purpose and Services

The Meth Head Society's Purpose

Our purpose as an organization of homeless methamphetamine users is to educate each other and help each other to survive in order to resist the temptation of giving into the idea that there is an addiction to methamphetamine. We shall be all that we can be by helping out one another when no one else is there to do so. With Dr. Carl Hart's research of drugs on the mind and body I Ariel Munoz will spread his research through out the homeless population giving the homeless population a better view on what may be wrong with our society.

Methamphetamine Education

With the research of Dr. Carl Hart we shall educate many users and non-users and homeless and non-homeless people of The Meth Head Society about the drug methamphetamine and many other drugs, while keeping these people up to date with the news that is going on in the world. Having these people know about the real effects of these drugs will open up many minds to the new ideas about methamphetamine and many other drugs.

Counseling For The Emotional Well-Being

We have a support system for the homeless methamphetamine user, where we help you figure out your self worth and over come the notion of whether you have an addiction or whether it is only the hysteria of society. If you feel our services do not meet your needs we recomend Telecares' services for mental health and counseling services.

Shelter Services

For  at the moment we are not a shelter, but we do provide shelter services such as food, clothing, hygenie products, and warm showers for the homeless. The Bungalows is the headquaters of The Meth Head Society, yet it is also a home so we are soon to be hosting meetings, education, and services to the homeless. Though we are not hosting meetings inside any of these buildings unless for educational purposes, counseling, or shelter services, most of our remaining meetings are meant to be held inside the complex, yet not indoors. So, feel free to stop by and ask for Ariel Munoz naming what type of service you may need while choosing to join our meetings. We will soon have an anonymous sign up sheet.

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