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If methamphetamine were legal, how should we safely distribute it to the public? 


To safely distribute methamphetamine would give many unemployed people jobs of course, but it would also mean investing in safe environments or labs to create the substance. Which would take away from the billions of dollars spent on trying to control the substance, making it a better solution. 


Knowing that marijuana is now legal in states like Colorado, and with them having a place to distribute marijuana. Why not have a safe distribution station like this for methamphetamine? 


Another thing is that methamphetamine is already distributed under another name, called adderal or ritalin. So, what would be the difference between distributing methamphetamine as a medical over the counter substance versus a recreational substance for functional users?


We probably wouldn't have any use for adderal and ritalin, which we probably hardly do anyways now days. So, using the drug recreationally would be like taking an energy shot for the day or couple days depending on how high tolerance you are. 


So, this comes to my conclusion of methamphetamine being distributed to the public as a recreational drug benefiting society in areas like saving tax payers money, and creating jobs for the unemployed would indeed help out society. 

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