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Campaigns by The Meth Head Society

April 30, 2016

The Meth Head Society We Support Sobriety

Some say once a methamphetamine user always a methamphetine user, but this I shall not want to be doing for the rest of my life. Though one thing I do want to do for the rest of my life is stick by the humble and the grateful non-judging type of people I view the homeless as. Not all of man kind are ungrateful, greedy, or stuck up. Which makes me believe that we can come together and help each other out. That's why I ask you people of the sober society to accept us methamphetamine users for who we are not judge us by what you do not like.

April 28, 2016

Methamphetamine Enlightenment

The Meth Head Society introduces education for the homeless methamphetamine user and society as a whole. We will be using the research of Dr. Carl Hart to enlighten people of the drug methamphetamine and what it can really do to the mind and body. Though I can only enlighten you in one way and that's by saying I do not have an addiction, but to teach about the effects of methamphetamine on the mind and body that's something he can tell you a little more about if you want to get technical. What I can tell you about methamphetamine is of my hands on experience, and that maybe good for a blog post.

April 28, 2016

Help For Homeless

With The Meth Head Society being homeless and homeless methamphetamine users, we need help nessecity wise and that does not mean to contribute to our habits. It means we need a little food, clothing, shelter and some money. The food, clothing, and shelter is something everyone realizes is a good need for the homeless. Though with it being said that we are asking for money and being that we are homeless and/or homeless methamphetamine users, you would think we were asking for help with our habits. Though this shall not be true, being that we are a business we can not set aside money for our personal gain. Any money being donated to The Meth Head Society willl go to a good  cause, from it being food, clothing, hygiene products, or shelter to going toward The Meth Head Society's buisness of operation. Which would be the education and counseling programs we offer to society and the homeless.

April 28, 2016

No To Needles

The Meth Head Society does not discourage needles they do not tolerate needles. Needles would be a reason for a dope fiend to use only for personal gain. That would be an emotional problem for these dope fiends, it seems like it would be hard to get someone off of using a needle and it would. Though a lot of the now known meth heads have made good progress, it's all about support and having confidence in the person you are trying to help. Do not give up on these dope fiends they seem like they are a burden, but in reality they are an emotional wreck that needs someone to help them overcome their fears of the void within their self-composure. Fuck being a dope fiend let's find support now.

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