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Homelessness and Methamphetamine

May 15, 2016

The Homeless and Methamphetamine

For the homeless methamphetamine use is something that some people fall into when homelessness takes place. For some it's a thing they like to do, and for others it's about their self worth. When becoming homeless no one really wants to be in the postition, some try so hard to find a way out others can't seem to get helped. Some of the homeless begin to feel lost and hopeless while others feel the same way not everyone who is homeless use methamphetamine as an scape goat to escape the reality of their worlds. For those few people that use methamphetamine as a scape goat whom we would see as a dope fiend need help. If you are using a drug only to escape reality then you are not happy. Using methamphetamine is a choice, and we all have choices. Though if you use something or do something you don't like why do it? That's why The Meth Head Society has decided to help these people we call the dope fiend. 

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