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If Methamphetamine were to be legalized, which it probably should and will be legalized eventually. Why does the government feel the need to restrict the public from doing what they enjoy? Also, what would be some good precautions we should take before methamphetamine is legalized if legalization were possible?


Why doesn't Methamphetamine come with a warning label? Adderall and Ritalin come with a warning label, so why not Methamphetamine. Only, because the government wants to brain wash society with the hype that Methamphetamine is as harmful as they say it is. Yet how harmful is cancer? What is society's outlook on Methamphetamine? How does society feel about the homeless do we all use Methamphetamine? 


"One of my friends has said a police officer had taken him to the mental hospital after getting caught with methamphetamine in his system, he was taken to the mental hospital only because the police had not much to go on. So, the pyschiatric therapists diagnosed him with skitophrenia now did my friend just wake up with stupid on his forehead? Does methamphetamine make you crazy? Are all police officers genuine? Is my friend just plain stupid and crazy?" - Ariel Munoz




      The Meth Head Society 

Taking A Look At The Inventors


   The Abusers of The Product 


Of course there would be many backgrounds to look at as an employer, but how could I say no to someone who needs a career and/or job? Just by looking at a homeless criminal’s background and saying once a thief always a thief? I could see if they had a criminal charge of murder and/or rape also, a harmful threat record, but for petty charges which result as felonies such as a drug charge or a concealed weapon charge with no threats? How could I say no to someone who may have been trying to protect themselves at night or just distributing and contributing to the sales of drugs. If drugs harm people so, do cleaning products and/or other products sold that have the label keep out of reach of children. Since it’s not what the distributer or sales person does with the product, but what the buyer intends to do with the product that makes the company look bad. For products gone wrong, think about the many products like for instance making the product Krocodile in the U.K. to give other drugs like Heroin a worse name than it already has, but that would be the inventors’ problem. Which can also be said for the fact that there are three types of methamphetamine available and one of those is illegal, now who had the copy written infringement to that and where does the actual inventor stand when his product was probably and most likely unlawfully pirated? Was this the inventors fault that some people have abused their product and continue to abuse their product by using for their own personal gain?

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