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The Modesto Meth Head Society

The Modesto Meth Head Society comes to you with a new idea, already supporting a few homeless friends of mine. I have come up with The Modesto Meth Head Society, a homeless shelter for all homeless people whether they like or dislike methamphetamine. It is up to you to really want to become a part of this cause. I am working on so many different ideas for the homeless shelter and I now have a great business partner working on the project with me. It would help a lot of homeless people as well, considering most homeless people use methamphetamine by statistics. Which brings me to the root of why I have named my society The Meth Head Society. I did use methamphetamine before I met and changed so many people's lives and what I realized while reaching out to so many homeless people, is that most homeless people didn't really appreciate much of what was given to them by judging eyes. One homeless person said that they would rather come to The Modesto Meth Head Society than to go to another program like Salvation Army, or any church that fed or gave them a place to stay. So, here I am trying hard to get a homeless shelter established with good food and living conditions for the homeless, because I can see that there is a problem with people in the community that help the homeless. It's not that they care, it's the fact that they pretend to care, so if you really don't care get a new career. Soon comes The Modesto Meth Head Society.

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