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Headquarters The Bungalows

Maintaining The Meth Head Society's website has been a strain on the brain. Though I am managing, and it's been very rough helping out the homeless. With having little space to provide, and the minimum time we have to explaining to people what we are about. Many will listen, but with still acting as if I were the crazy one and we were just going to "party". These people just didn't realize what they were getting into. So, they thank me for my hospitality and decide to move about their way. Though the ones that choose to hear me out, I am grateful for you. For any of you who live in Modesto California, and are homeless and need a resting spot or even just a few friends to kick it with here we are The Meth Head Society. Located at 724 15th Street The Bungalows. Just ask for Ariel Munoz leader of The Meth Head Society and you may be directed to our headquarters. "The Bungalows"

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