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Spreading Dr. Carl Hart's Research

The Meth Head Society is a group of homeless people, and homeless methamphetamine users who want to release the stigma between homeless people and methamphetamine user. We believe by keeping the homeless stable through shelter, education, and counseling we can find ourselves, and put an end to societies beliefs of what a methamphetamine user can and cannot do while freeing the innocent non-methamphetamine using homeless people.

The Meth Head Society spreads Dr. Carl Hart's research of drugs on the mind and body to the homeless and the homeless methamphetamine users. With this information coming from a neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and psychologist we have come up with our own thoughts, and beliefs of what is wrong with society as a whole.This research has opened up our eyes into seeing that there is a problem with with using the drug methamphetamine if it's used in an improper way such as needles. Using needles is harmful to a person, but we do not believe that smoking methamphetamine is as harmful to a person. Believing in Dr. Carl Hart's research we find that methamphetamine is not a designer drug it is merely an amphetamine with a methyl group attached to it. With this information we know that methamphetamine does not go into the brain any faster no matter what way you intend to use it. We now know that it may just be more harmful to a person to inject methamphetamine than to smoke methamphetamine, because the come down is stronger, yet the high is longer. You are breaking your body down faster. If you are a methamphetamine user you would know not to work so hard when you are "high", because the results of the effects wearing off are tiredness and fatigue. This means you are over working muscles which affect your body in a way that you loose many vitamins and energy making you weak. For this I shall let you know about the Meth Medicine Cabinet, which can be found on Drugs Forum.

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