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Fiscal Sponsorship

The Meth Head Society does not currently have a way to pay their employees, so of course we would accept volunteers. Keep in mind to think about this future option. Although The Meth Head Society is looking for fiscal sponsorship and we would like to provide our purpose and detailed information as to why we are worth sponsoring.

Purpose of our organization:

The purpose of The Meth Head Society is to release the stigma between homeless people and methamphetamine use. We are asking for social acceptance for what we do, by joining together to create a family of organized homeless people and methamphetamine users and non-users to decriminalize methamphetamine, so more jobs can form within society. Creating employment for the once criminalized felons.

Many of the homeless will gain self worth for being able to come together as a unionized organization to have society see that we homeless people are not a burden on society, but yet a struggling part of society. Homeless felons will have their charges dropped for possession if we decriminalized methamphetamine, and in turn they will become a working part of society. We offer drug treatment not rehab for the support of the drug methamphetamine so society as a whole can better understand that the drug methamphetamine is not the problem people are.

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