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The True Meth Head Society

If we ever began to say that we had a problem, and we were addicted that's like hanging ourselves because you believe us bisexuals, and gays are going to hell. It's very controversial this sentence is, but think about it changing our name would go against who we are. We may be helping the homeless, but it doesn't mean we should completely sell out should we? It would be like letting the man push us down, and for a meth head that means rehabs, jails, and to be prejudiced. So many people are prejudice against us methamphetamine users it's ridiculous. Why give in by changing our name? Why let that happen? Since we help the homeless we should go with a name that fits, no I don't think so. Only because, we are the homeless. If we didn't start off by helping ourselves then who was actually there to help us? We have been given many items and gifts from others who have helped us, but how many of those people where trying to present themselves in front of others while only judging us? The True Meth Head Society fights for social justice.

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