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Quote Juggs

If your asking me. Everyone has there own cup of tea, rather it be energy drinks, methamphetamine, pills and heroin who are we too judge we don't really judge a drunk passed out at the liquor store. Why judge a sick heroin addict or a burnt out tweaker aka in your terms sleepy meth head. I love and respect everyone in there own individuality with there addictions habits and sicknesses stay strong live your life do not be a slave to your life and die happy and alive not dead and consumed by your addictions. If you can't function in every day life this varies and doesn't hold true. Do not steal from those of who you hold dear or even love walk your own line have your own guidelines rules and regulations to follow so your not hated upon nothing but respect stay respected or get neglected! Even left alone with nothing embraced by not even the own gravity of life it self that you at one time were all born with!

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