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Submitting The DBA

The Modesto Bee

I have recently submitted our DBA to The Modesto Bee and I am so happy for our team pitching in to help out the organization. All I am waiting on is a phone call from them and we shall hear the results. Hopefully we get a published headline, on the front page or something because we know this is huge. In knowing that you know their are some flaws to pointing out to the public about the where about of a known or even unknown methamphetamine user. You know they would want to always be on our case, especially with methamphetamine being illegal. So, I'm just going to put this picture right here for the public eye to see.

This is the documentation for our DBA and for now until 30 days of standing in the Modesto Bee newspaper, we are official. Hoping that no one stops us, but if so then who will stop the war on drugs? No one, will the world may be scared now and then. To speak up, is what we shall do or be governed by rule. So, much has happened to the USA and much more shall continue as we become smarter and faster. We may be homeless you may be on top, but who runs this nation? The one who speaks, or the one who creates?

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